SC/Gen and SocialNetworking


The SC/Gen project consists a pair of software tools that work with the Publication Harvester (a software tool that downloads publications from PubMed). The SC/Gen program searches the publications downloaded by the Publication Harvester, compares them with a roster of people, and identifies colleagues of each star in the original database. The Social Networking program does a second-degree social networking search on the colleagues generated by SC/Gen.

The Publication Harvester, SC/Gen and Social Networking software runs on Windows 7, 8, and 10 (and works fine on previous versions as well). It was written in C#, and requires .NET Framework 4.0.


The user manual describes installation and use of the SC/Gen and Social Networking software. (It's also available as a PDF).

The software requirements specification that was used used to develop and maintain the SC/Gen program can be found here. A separate specification was used to develop the Social Networking software, and can be found here


Software downloads:

Quick start:

  1. You'll need to start with a database created by the Publication Harvester, so you'll need to follow its installation instructions first.
  2. Download the latest version of the SC/Gen and Social Networking installers and run them.
  3. Use the Start menu to run SC/Gen and Social Networking.

The following sample files may be helpful:




This software is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Contact Information

The Publication Harvester and SC/Gen projects are maintained by Andrew Stellman of Stellman & Greene Consulting. If you have questions, comments, patches, or bug reports, please contact

Revision history

We gratefully acknowledgement is given to the financial support of the National Science Foundation (Award SBE-0738142).