The SC/Gen project consists a pair of software tools that work with the Publication Harvester (a software tool that downloads publications from PubMed). The SC/Gen program searches the publications downloaded by the Publication Harvester, compares them with a roster of people, and identifies colleagues of each star in the original database. The Social Networking program does a second-degree social networking search on the colleagues generated by SC/Gen.
The Publication Harvester, SC/Gen and Social Networking software runs on Windows 7, 8, and 10 (and works fine on previous versions as well). It was written in C#, and requires .NET Framework 4.0.
The user manual describes installation and use of the SC/Gen and Social Networking software. (It's also available as a PDF).
The software requirements specification that was used used to develop and maintain the SC/Gen program can be found here. A separate specification was used to develop the Social Networking software, and can be found here
Software downloads:
Quick start:
The following sample files may be helpful:
This software is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
The Publication Harvester and SC/Gen projects are maintained by Andrew Stellman of Stellman & Greene Consulting. If you have questions, comments, patches, or bug reports, please contact
We gratefully acknowledgement is given to the financial support of the National Science Foundation (Award SBE-0738142).